
How To Train Telemarketers To Sell Your Products And Services

Hiring professional and experienced telemarketers who knows how to sell and qualify prospects is essential in every growing business. However, even the best salesperson needs to learn how to do things the way you want it done with your company. That’s where training comes in. Ongoing training sessions during team meeting or one on one coaching sessions will help them sell with ease and increase your sales.

Here are the 6 steps on how train you telemarketers to effectively sell your products and services.

Step #1: Provide Product Knowledge.

Knowledge is power. And product knowledge is essential in increasing sales.

Benefits of product knowledge:

  • Increase Confidence. Telemarketers who know every detail of their product shows credibility and confidence when presenting their products and services to prospects.
  • Strengthen Communication. Telemarketers can use different strategies on how to deliver and present their products and services.
  • Help in Overcoming Objections. Information about a product or service is useful in addressing any objections raised by prospects.

Related: IT and Software: Mastering Product Knowledge Before your First Sales Pitch

Step #2: Walk Them Through Script.

Every call is different and scripts are used as guide for telemarketers. In order to be effective in sales, they need to understand and know their script by heart. Scripts include:

  • Information about the company
  • Information about the product and service
  • Questions to ask to pre-qualify the prospects based on your target market.

Walking your telemarketers through a script will help them in their calls.

Related: 10 Habits of a Highly-Productive Salesperson

Step #3: Practice Role Play.

Set aside time for your telemarketers to practice their scripts out loud. As much as possible, give them time to be comfortable with their spiel. How? By creating different scenarios where prospects usually make objections and do a role play with them.

 Here’s the Ultimate Cheat Sheet: Telemarketing Starter Kit for Businesses in Asia

 Step #4: Teach Them the Art of Listening.

Listening is one way of building trust and rapport with your prospect. By listening you will be able to:

  • Gather information about your prospect
  • Offer the best solution for their issues and concerns
  • Show respect. If you listen, the person on the other line is more likely to listen to you.
  • Know what questions to ask next based on your prospect’s response.

Don’t just listen to what your prospect is saying. Instead, listen and understand what your prospect is actually saying.

Step #5: Prepare Them for Battle.

List down all objections during live calls and discuss all possible answers with your telemarketers.

Step #6: Encourage Them to Share Their Ideas.

Value your telemarketer’s ideas. Encourage them to share their opinions on how to convince prospects to help them overcome their issues about their calls. Use the best possible answer and allow your team to use them on their calls.

Related: How to Use Telemarketing to Generate More Revenue for Your Business

Bonus Tip:

Teach your telemarketers proper phone etiquette. First impression lasts. A phone call can either make or break your business relationship with your potential customers. Having a “WOW” conversation with your prospects will give them reasons to do business with your company.

Related: Use These Phrases to Impress Singaporean Prospects When Calling

Ultimate Cheat Sheet: Telemarketing Starter Kit for Businesses in Asia

Related: Ultimate Cheat Sheet: Telemarketing Starter Kit for Businesses in Asia